Saturday, May 10, 2008

Self Portrait

This it the three panel self portrait I did. The first panel is of my family because they mean a lot to me. And like any family, the dog of course it as the center of everything. But on a more serious note my family has always been there to support and encourage me and have made me who I am today.

The second panel is two images of myself at the beach in Mexico because I am a Gemini and the beach is my favorite place to be. The two images of me are different, one is of me wearing black and grey and the other image of me is brighter. This is because I am serious, but also fun and outgoing.

The third panel is of my rugby team. Over the past two years rugby has become a huge part of my life and the girls on my team are some of my best friends.

So this is me in a nutshell. I love my family and my friends...and the beach. I'm serious and I work hard, but I'm also fun and crazy, especially when I'm with my friends.

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